Neuropathy pain often responds poorly to pharmaceutical treatments and the numbness, tingling, and dysfunction persists. To find lasting relief, consult interventional pain specialist, Dr. Jeff M. Arthur. He can precisely diagnose the cause of your neuropathy and address the pain at its source. If you live in Kingwood, Texas, or the surrounding area, call or use the online booking agent to make an appointment and address your neuropathy pain.

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What is neuropathy?

Neuropathy describes a condition in which your nervous system is compromised. The central nervous system, which consists of your brain and spinal cord, transmits messages to the rest of your body through the peripheral nervous system. When you have peripheral neuropathy or just “neuropathy,” the communication in these peripheral nerves is disrupted.

Neuropathy can address just one single nerve in a condition known as mononeuropathy; you might experience this in your knee, thigh, neck, arm, or elbow. Multiple nerves may also be affected in polyneuropathy.

What are the symptoms of neuropathy?

Different types of nerves control motion, sensation, and organ function. Neuropathy can affect any of these nerves and present with symptoms such as:

  • Sensitivity to touch
  • Lack of coordination
  • Muscle weakness
  • Jabbing or burning pain
  • Altered sweating and heat intolerance
  • Changes in blood pressure
  • Numbness, tingling, and prickling in your feet and hands that gradually radiates into your arms and legs is also a common sign of neuropathy.

What causes neuropathy?

Neuropathy may result from a number of causes, including:

  • Alcohol abuse
  • Diabetes
  • Autoimmune diseases such as lupus or rheumatoid arthritis
  • Certain medications, especially chemotherapy drugs
  • Trauma
  • Vitamin deficiencies

How is neuropathy treated?

Dr. Arthur seeks to provide you with a precise diagnosis to get at the root cause of your neuropathy, which informs his treatment plan. As an interventional pain management specialist, his goal is to help you find alternatives to prescription management of your condition.

Specific treatment strategies include electrical spinal cord stimulation and the injection of nerve blocks. Spinal stimulation can help promote communication between the central and peripheral nervous systems to restore sensation. Nerve blocks can help reduce pain related to neuropathy. Dr. Arthur may also recommend epidural injections of certain pain medications.

Other treatment strategies include physical therapy and lifestyle changes, such as adding exercise and quitting smoking, to help you manage your pain. If diabetes contributes to your pain.

Learn more about interventional pain management strategies for managing your peripheral neuropathy symptoms by calling the office of Dr. Jeff M. Arthur or booking an appointment online.